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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read all questions and answers before reaching out to co-Directors as most questions will be answered below. 

To see photos from past ASP pageants, visit our Facebook page. 


The America's Super Pageant is a beauty, modeling and personality based competition. Delegates are selected to represent each state, or regions within states. If there is a State pageant in your area, you must compete at state before advancing to the International event. At-Large titles will be awarded upon payment of delegates’ entry fee. If your US state title is not available, you may select a regional title representing your area (ex. Western Montana's SUPER Miss", or "West Coast's SUPER Mrs."). 



  • Pre-Teen 8-12 

  • Teen 13 – 17 

  • Miss 18 – 25 

  • Ms. (Single/Divorced) 26+ 

  • Mrs. 18+ and Married 

  • Classic 50+

  • Queen (Plus size of 14 or larger)



  • Photogenic 

  • Interview 

  • 30-60 second platform statement 

  • Fun Fashion 

  • Evening Gown 


Photogenic (1 - 20 points)  

Each Delegate must submit one photo for judging. Photo may be color or B/W, and should be no larger than 8x10. Submission must be of good quality. No photocopies will be accepted. Copyright release must accompany photos if required by photographer. Photos may be full length, or Headshots, and MUST be taken within the past 2 years. Photos must be submitted by the entry deadline, or 5 points will be deducted each day tardy.   


Interview (1 - 20 points) 

Delegate Interviews will be conducted on a panel basis. Each Delegate will spend 5 minutes with the judges. Judges will ask questions based primarily upon your Biographical submission, but may include platform, opinion or current event questions. Pantsuit or suit dress attire recommended. Judging criteria includes; Personality, Appearance, Conversation Skills and platform knowledge.  


​     Parade of Beauties and On-Stage Intro (not judged) in state costume

  •      The Parade of Beauties will include a simple choreographed walking pattern with the delegates wearing a family-friendly cocktail dress (no floor length gowns) of their choice.   Parade of Beauties will conclude with the delegate stating their name and title.  Crown will not be worn during this time. 

  •      Outgoing queens will wear a cocktail dress with sash and crown.  Outgoing Queens will be announced on stage with their names and titles.


Platform Statement (1 - 20 points) 

Delegates may speak 30-60 seconds to promote themselves & their platforms  Delegates will wear sash, crown and business attire of their choice.  Judging criteria: Personal Introduction and Personality.  


Fun Fashion (1 - 20 points) 

Delegate will select the Fashion attire of their choice to show off their personality. Attire may be off-the-rack or custom, Judging criteria: Poise, grace, personality and style.  


Evening Gown (1 - 20 points) 

Delegates will model an evening gown of their choice. Gowns should be full length for Teens and Adults. Pre-Teen may wear gowns suitable for age/maturity. Gowns may be simple or very elaborate, but will not be judged based on monetary value. Judging criteria:  Modeling, beauty, grace, poise, and overall elegance. ​ 




Up to 20 Bonus Points may be awarded and added to the delegates overall score for qualifying appearances, which take place during their reign. Appearances made with the specific purpose of promoting the pageants platform of Seat Belt Use, or other Hwy Safety topics, will earn one bonus point each. Delegates may promote their own personal platforms, but those appearances will not count toward the Bonus Points.  



Documentation must be provided (Example: photographs of delegate actively participating in the event, signed letters from other participants, etc.). Posed photos of delegate standing next to a sign, or table, etc., will not be considered as “documentation” unless the delegate is shown “actively involved” with another participant at an event. An "Appearance" is defined as a public event or meeting in which the delegate was invited to participate, and has duties as an approved volunteer.  Duties may include Public Speaking, Greeting Guests, Demonstrating an activity, or distributing Safety Materials, etc.  


Showing up in crown and sash without invitation is not an appearance. Emails will be accepted as proof of "invitation" only when included with photographs.   Actively involved means the delegate must be shown volunteering or performing an act of community service. Posed photos with unidentified persons will not be considered. Documentation must be submitted in hard copy form - Only appearances submitted by orientation will be considered. Please also include hours for each appearance to be applied toward Presidential Service Award hours.




All delegates (w/fully paid entry fees and upon selection as a delegate) will receive: 

  • ASP Tiara 

  • A beautiful full-wrap satin sash  

  • Entry into 2024 America's SUPER Pageant


At the Pageant, each delegate shall receive the following: 

  • ASP custom tote with pageant essentials 

  • One page, black and white ad* in the Printed Program Book 

  • Rhinestone Sash Pin   

  • Jewelry

  • Interview Photos & Night of Pageant photos


* Ad page must be submitted to the Directors in photo ready format in jpg or png.  Sizing is 7.50 in height and 4.50 in width.  Ad pages will be created for you for a fee of $45 per page and must be requested at least two weeks prior to the ad submission deadline. 




Int’l and National Winners only Prize Package 

  • Official Aurora Borealis or Ruby-red crown 

  • Official full wrap satin Sash  

  • Title, one year’s reign and appearance opportunities  

  • Rhinestone scepter 

  • Glitter "title" T-shirt  

  • Rhinestone and/or crown jewelry 

  • Monday morning meal provided during signing of contracts 

  • Monday morning photo shoot, with photos delivered online within 45 days after pageant 

  • Int’l Winner will also receive a gift pack of misc. items


​Empress of America’s Super Pageant Prize Package 

Empress Title:  Empress is a title that may be awarded IF three or more contestants return to compete at ASP (the 3 does not include those who are competing for Hero - only those competing for the national and/or Int'l titles).  The one with the highest overall score will be crowned as Empress. 

  • Official Royal Purple Empress Crown 

  • Official full wrap satin Sash  

  • Commemorative bouquet of flowers 

  • Glitter “logo” T-shirt  

Hero of America’s Super Pageant Prize Package 

  • Official Sapphire-blue National Crown 

  • Official full wrap satin Sash  

  • Title, Lifetime reign and appearance opportunities  

  • Glitter “logo” T-shirt  

  • Rhinestone "Crown" cuff bracelet


(More prizes may be added. All prizes subject to delivery by sponsors. Titles awarded will be dependent upon number of total entries received and in accordance to rules, regulations and scores.  All decisions of the judges are final.) 



~ Delegates only ~

  • Congeniality Sash and Crown 

  • Best Interview Plaque 

  • Best Platform Statement Plaque  

  • Best Fun Fashion Plaque 

  • Best Evening Gown Plaque  

  • Photogenic Plaque and mini photo session during Monday morning photos 

  • Dan Stockwell Memorial Award Faux Large Check and $500 upon return in 2024: This award is presented to the delegate who made the highest number of eligible Seat belt and highway safety related appearances, during her reign.  This award will only be presented if a delegate meets criteria and returns to crown her successor.  Criteria for awarding of this prize includes:  delegate must have the greatest number of appearances – over the number of 20 – which are made with the specific purpose of promoting the pageants platform of promoting Seat Belt Safety.  

  • Social Media Queen Plaque and $50 Amazon Gift Card:  This will be awarded to the delegate who uses social media most effectively during her reign and during pageant weekend, which includes use of photos, hashtags and check-ins.  Hash tags must include #ASP, #ASP2025, and #AmericasSuperPageant.  They must also tag the national office and Janet Bierer (pageant page).

  • Directors Award Plaque: Director’s Award may be awarded to a NON-finalist who has shown the most dedication to the pageant, its platform and/or who may have made the most improvement during rehearsals and/or most active during pageant weekend.  The Director chooses this award.   

  • Go/Give Award Plaque and Gift Bag – Pamper Items (hair, skin, etc.):  Go/Give Award may be awarded to a delegate who was an enterprising person and gave her all during her reign and during the pageant weekend.  Chosen by Director & Head Judge &/or Tabulator.


- Delegates, Volunteers & Returning Queens -

  • Top Recruiter Award Plaque and $100 cash prize: Only one award.  This will be given to the person who recruits the most PAID contestants.  It may be a delegate, a judge, a volunteer and/or a returning queen.  

  • Most Ad Pages Sold Certificate of Achievement and a $100 cash prize: Only one award may be given out and that will go to the person who sold at least $200 in ads for the ad page.  Ads are $100 for one page, black and white ad or $200 for one page, in color.   



Note:  Divisions with less than 3 contestants may be combined.

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